
Who We Are

Who We Are

Proud to be Canadian

Our Story

Based in the heart of Canada's capital apetito HFS  was established in 1987 to produce great tasting food for healthcare and homecare with a focus on providing the right nutrition to support good health in Canada's most vulnerable populations.

We're a proud partner to over 90 meals on wheels agencies across Canada as well as a chosen supplier to healthcare and social care facilities from coast-to-coast.  We are also the nominated supplier of meals to Heart To Home Meals in Canada. Our customers trust apetito HFS to deliver convenient and flexible product solutions that enhance food safety, reduce waste and keep food budgets under control.

Since 1958 the apetito group has been a family owned business. Established in Rheine, Germany and championing its mission in countries such as the United Kingdom, France, Canada, the Netherlands, Austria, and Spain. The apetito group has been producing great tasting, nutritious frozen food and ready-made meals to suit every taste and every dietery need from the very young to the very old in all kinds of life settings.

As a group we employee over 9,000 employees and provide nutrious food to around 1.3 million people every day.

Our Values

We’re passionate about good nutrition. It's the pillar of our business and is something we believe should be at the heart of every meal. We believe that through delicious and nutritious meals we can enhance and improve the well-being of vulnerable people in care, in hospitals and at home.

To show commitment to our values, we employ a consultant dietitian to help ensure that our meals are not only delicious but that they also meet our nutritional standards.

We believe in doing business in an ethical and sustainable way and always with an absolute passion for service. We strive to operate at all times in a way that respects people, the environment and the wider community. And by doing so, we believe we make a real difference to the lives of our customers.